/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ CG scale (c) 2019 by M. Lehmann ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define CGSCALE_VERSION "1.0.51" /* ****************************************************************** history: V1.1 beta ESP8266 V1.0 12.01.19 first release ****************************************************************** Software License Agreement (BSD License) Copyright (c) 2019, Michael Lehmann All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // Required libraries, can be installed from the library manager #include // library for the HX711 24-bit ADC for weight scales (https://github.com/olkal/HX711_ADC) #include // Universal 8bit Graphics Library (https://github.com/olikraus/u8g2/) // built-in libraries #include #include // libraries for ESP8266 (NodeMCU 1.0 ) #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU #include #include #include #include #endif // Settings in separate file #include "settings.h" // HX711 constructor (dout pin, sck pint): HX711_ADC LoadCell_1(PIN_LOADCELL1_DOUT, PIN_LOADCELL1_PD_SCK); HX711_ADC LoadCell_2(PIN_LOADCELL2_DOUT, PIN_LOADCELL2_PD_SCK); HX711_ADC LoadCell_3(PIN_LOADCELL3_DOUT, PIN_LOADCELL3_PD_SCK); // webserver constructor #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU ESP8266WebServer server(80); IPAddress apIP(ip[0], ip[1], ip[2], ip[3]); #endif // serial menu enum { MENU_HOME, MENU_LOADCELLS, MENU_DISTANCE_X1, MENU_DISTANCE_X2, MENU_DISTANCE_X3, MENU_REF_WEIGHT, MENU_REF_CG, MENU_AUTO_CALIBRATE, MENU_LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR, MENU_LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR, MENU_LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR, MENU_RESISTOR_R1, MENU_RESISTOR_R2, MENU_BATTERY_MEASUREMENT, MENU_SHOW_ACTUAL, MENU_RESET_DEFAULT }; // EEprom parameter addresses #define EEPROM_SIZE 120 enum { P_NUMBER_LOADCELLS = 1, P_DISTANCE_X1 = 2, P_DISTANCE_X2 = P_DISTANCE_X1 + sizeof(float), P_DISTANCE_X3 = P_DISTANCE_X2 + sizeof(float), P_LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR = P_DISTANCE_X3 + sizeof(float), P_LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR = P_LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR + sizeof(float), P_LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR = P_LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR + sizeof(float), P_ENABLE_BATVOLT = P_LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR + sizeof(float), P_REF_WEIGHT = P_ENABLE_BATVOLT + sizeof(float), P_REF_CG = P_REF_WEIGHT + sizeof(float), P_RESISTOR_R1 = P_REF_CG + sizeof(float), P_RESISTOR_R2 = P_RESISTOR_R1 + sizeof(float) }; // battery image 12x6 static const unsigned char batteryImage[] U8X8_PROGMEM = { 0xfc, 0xff, 0x07, 0xf8, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x07, 0xf8, 0xfc, 0xff }; // weight image 18x18 static const unsigned char weightImage[] U8X8_PROGMEM = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x03, 0xfc, 0x80, 0x04, 0xfc, 0x80, 0x04, 0xfc, 0x80, 0x07, 0xfc, 0xf8, 0x7f, 0xfc, 0x08, 0x40, 0xfc, 0x08, 0x40, 0xfc, 0x08, 0x47, 0xfc, 0x84, 0x84, 0xfc, 0x84, 0x84, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x87, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x84, 0xfc, 0x02, 0x03, 0xfd, 0x02, 0x00, 0xfd, 0x02, 0x00, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xfd, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc }; // CG image 18x18 static const unsigned char CGImage[] U8X8_PROGMEM = { 0x00, 0x02, 0xfc, 0xc0, 0x1f, 0xfc, 0x30, 0x7e, 0xfc, 0x08, 0xfe, 0xfc, 0x04, 0xfe, 0xfc, 0x04, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0x02, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0x02, 0xfe, 0xfd, 0x02, 0xfe, 0xff, 0xff, 0x01, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0x01, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0x01, 0xfd, 0xfe, 0x81, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0x81, 0xfc, 0xfc, 0x41, 0xfc, 0xf8, 0x31, 0xfc, 0xe0, 0x0f, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x01, 0xfc }; // CG transverse axis image 18x18 static const unsigned char CGtransImage[] U8X8_PROGMEM = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x70, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x90, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x90, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x70, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x50, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x90, 0xfc, 0x3c, 0x90, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x08, 0x40, 0xfc, 0x04, 0x80, 0xfc, 0x7e, 0xf8, 0xfd, 0x04, 0x80, 0xfc, 0x08, 0x40, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfc }; // set default text static const String newValueText = "Set new value:"; // load default values uint8_t nLoadcells = NUMBER_LOADCELLS; float distanceX1 = DISTANCE_X1; float distanceX2 = DISTANCE_X2; float distanceX3 = DISTANCE_X3; float calFactorLoadcell1 = LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR; float calFactorLoadcell2 = LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR; float calFactorLoadcell3 = LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR; float resistorR1 = RESISTOR_R1; float resistorR2 = RESISTOR_R2; bool enableBatVolt = ENABLE_VOLTAGE; float refWeight = REF_WEIGHT; float refCG = REF_CG; // declare variables float weightLoadCell1 = 0; float weightLoadCell2 = 0; float weightLoadCell3 = 0; float lastWeightLoadCell1 = 0; float lastWeightLoadCell2 = 0; float lastWeightLoadCell3 = 0; float weightTotal = 0; float CG_length = 0; float CG_trans = 0; float batVolt = 0; unsigned long lastTimeMenu = 0; unsigned long lastTimeLoadcell = 0; bool updateMenu = true; int menuPage = 0; // Restart CPU void(* resetCPU) (void) = 0; // save values to eeprom void saveLoadcells() { EEPROM.put(P_NUMBER_LOADCELLS, nLoadcells); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveDistanceX1() { EEPROM.put(P_DISTANCE_X1, distanceX1); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveDistanceX2() { EEPROM.put(P_DISTANCE_X2, distanceX2); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveDistanceX3() { EEPROM.put(P_DISTANCE_X3, distanceX3); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveRefWeight() { EEPROM.put(P_REF_WEIGHT, refWeight); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveRefCG() { EEPROM.put(P_REF_CG, refCG); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveCalFactor1() { LoadCell_1.setCalFactor(calFactorLoadcell1); EEPROM.put(P_LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR, calFactorLoadcell1); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveCalFactor2() { LoadCell_2.setCalFactor(calFactorLoadcell2); EEPROM.put(P_LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR, calFactorLoadcell2); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveCalFactor3() { LoadCell_3.setCalFactor(calFactorLoadcell3); EEPROM.put(P_LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR, calFactorLoadcell3); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveResistorR1() { EEPROM.put(P_RESISTOR_R1, resistorR1); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveResistorR2() { EEPROM.put(P_RESISTOR_R2, resistorR2); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void saveEnableBatVolt() { EEPROM.put(P_ENABLE_BATVOLT, enableBatVolt); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif } void auto_calibrate() { Serial.print(F("Autocalibration is running")); for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) { Serial.print(F(".")); delay(100); } // calculate weight float toWeightLoadCell2 = ((refCG - distanceX1) * refWeight) / distanceX2; float toWeightLoadCell1 = refWeight - toWeightLoadCell2; float toWeightLoadCell3 = 0; if (nLoadcells > 2) { toWeightLoadCell1 = toWeightLoadCell1 / 2; toWeightLoadCell3 = toWeightLoadCell1; } // calculate calibration factors calFactorLoadcell1 = calFactorLoadcell1 / (toWeightLoadCell1 / weightLoadCell1); calFactorLoadcell2 = calFactorLoadcell2 / (toWeightLoadCell2 / weightLoadCell2); if (nLoadcells > 2) { calFactorLoadcell3 = calFactorLoadcell3 / (toWeightLoadCell3 / weightLoadCell3); } saveCalFactor1(); saveCalFactor2(); saveCalFactor3(); // finish Serial.println(F("done")); } void setup() { #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU // init webserver WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP); WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0)); WiFi.softAP(ssid, password); server.begin(); server.on("/", main_page); server.on("/index.html", main_page); server.on("/settings", settings_page); server.on("/settings.png", settingsImg); server.on("/weight.png", weightImg); server.on("/cg.png", cgImg); server.on("/cglr.png", cgLRimg); server.on("/battery.png", batteryImg); server.on("/CG_scale_mechanics.png", mechanicsImg); server.on("/bootstrap.min.css", bootstrap); server.on("bootstrap.min.css", bootstrap); server.on("/popper.min.js", popper); server.on("/bootstrap.min.js", bootstrapmin); server.on("bootstrap.min.js", bootstrapmin); SPIFFS.begin(); EEPROM.begin(EEPROM_SIZE); #endif // init OLED display oledDisplay.begin(); oledDisplay.firstPage(); do { oledDisplay.drawXBMP(20, 12, 18, 18, CGImage); oledDisplay.setFont(u8g2_font_helvR12_tr); oledDisplay.setCursor(45, 28); oledDisplay.print(F("CG scale")); oledDisplay.setFont(u8g2_font_5x7_tr); oledDisplay.setCursor(35, 55); oledDisplay.print(F("Version: ")); oledDisplay.print(CGSCALE_VERSION); oledDisplay.setCursor(20, 64); oledDisplay.print(F("(c) 2019 M. Lehmann")); } while ( oledDisplay.nextPage() ); // read settings from eeprom if (EEPROM.read(P_NUMBER_LOADCELLS) != 0xFF) { nLoadcells = EEPROM.read(P_NUMBER_LOADCELLS); } if (EEPROM.read(P_DISTANCE_X1) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_DISTANCE_X1, distanceX1); } if (EEPROM.read(P_DISTANCE_X2) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_DISTANCE_X2, distanceX2); } if (EEPROM.read(P_DISTANCE_X3) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_DISTANCE_X3, distanceX3); } if (EEPROM.read(P_LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR, calFactorLoadcell1); } if (EEPROM.read(P_LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR, calFactorLoadcell2); } if (EEPROM.read(P_LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR, calFactorLoadcell3); } if (EEPROM.read(P_ENABLE_BATVOLT) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_ENABLE_BATVOLT, enableBatVolt); } if (EEPROM.read(P_REF_WEIGHT) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_REF_WEIGHT, refWeight); } if (EEPROM.read(P_REF_CG) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_REF_CG, refCG); } if (EEPROM.read(P_RESISTOR_R1) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_RESISTOR_R1, resistorR1); } if (EEPROM.read(P_RESISTOR_R2) != 0xFF) { EEPROM.get(P_RESISTOR_R2, resistorR2); } // init Loadcells LoadCell_1.begin(); LoadCell_2.begin(); if (nLoadcells > 2) { LoadCell_3.begin(); } // tare if (nLoadcells > 2) { while (!LoadCell_1.startMultiple(STABILISINGTIME) && !LoadCell_2.startMultiple(STABILISINGTIME) && !LoadCell_3.startMultiple(STABILISINGTIME)) { } } else { while (!LoadCell_1.startMultiple(STABILISINGTIME) && !LoadCell_2.startMultiple(STABILISINGTIME)) { } } // set calibration factor LoadCell_1.setCalFactor(calFactorLoadcell1); LoadCell_2.setCalFactor(calFactorLoadcell2); if (nLoadcells > 2) { LoadCell_3.setCalFactor(calFactorLoadcell3); } // stabilize scale values for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { LoadCell_1.update(); LoadCell_2.update(); if (nLoadcells > 2) { LoadCell_3.update(); } delay(200); } // init serial Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { LoadCell_1.update(); LoadCell_2.update(); if (nLoadcells > 2) { LoadCell_3.update(); } // update loadcell values if ((millis() - lastTimeLoadcell) > UPDATE_INTERVAL_LOADCELL) { lastTimeLoadcell = millis(); // get Loadcell weights weightLoadCell1 = LoadCell_1.getData(); weightLoadCell2 = LoadCell_2.getData(); if (nLoadcells > 2) { weightLoadCell3 = LoadCell_3.getData(); } // IIR filter weightLoadCell1 = weightLoadCell1 + SMOOTHING_LOADCELL1 * (lastWeightLoadCell1 - weightLoadCell1); lastWeightLoadCell1 = weightLoadCell1; weightLoadCell2 = weightLoadCell2 + SMOOTHING_LOADCELL2 * (lastWeightLoadCell2 - weightLoadCell2); lastWeightLoadCell2 = weightLoadCell2; weightLoadCell3 = weightLoadCell3 + SMOOTHING_LOADCELL3 * (lastWeightLoadCell3 - weightLoadCell3); lastWeightLoadCell3 = weightLoadCell3; } // update display and serial menu if ((millis() - lastTimeMenu) > UPDATE_INTERVAL_OLED_MENU) { lastTimeMenu = millis(); // total model weight weightTotal = weightLoadCell1 + weightLoadCell2 + weightLoadCell3; if (weightTotal < MINIMAL_TOTAL_WEIGHT && weightTotal > MINIMAL_TOTAL_WEIGHT * -1) { weightTotal = 0; } if (weightTotal > MINIMAL_CG_WEIGHT) { // CG longitudinal axis CG_length = ((weightLoadCell2 * distanceX2) / weightTotal) + distanceX1; // CG transverse axis if (nLoadcells > 2) { CG_trans = (distanceX3 / 2) - (((weightLoadCell1 + weightLoadCell2 / 2) * distanceX3) / weightTotal); } }else{ CG_length = 0; CG_trans = 0; } // read battery voltage if (enableBatVolt) { batVolt = (analogRead(VOLTAGE_PIN) / 1024.0) * V_REF * ((resistorR1 + resistorR2) / resistorR2) / 1000.0; } // print to display char buff[8]; int pos_weightTotal = 7; int pos_CG_length = 28; if (nLoadcells < 3) { pos_weightTotal = 17; pos_CG_length = 45; if (!enableBatVolt) { pos_weightTotal = 12; pos_CG_length = 40; } } oledDisplay.firstPage(); do { // print battery if (enableBatVolt) { oledDisplay.drawXBMP(88, 1, 12, 6, batteryImage); dtostrf(batVolt, 2, 2, buff); oledDisplay.setFont(u8g2_font_5x7_tr); oledDisplay.setCursor(123 - oledDisplay.getStrWidth(buff), 7); oledDisplay.print(buff); oledDisplay.print(F("V")); } // print total weight oledDisplay.drawXBMP(2, pos_weightTotal, 18, 18, weightImage); dtostrf(weightTotal, 5, 1, buff); oledDisplay.setFont(u8g2_font_helvR12_tr); oledDisplay.setCursor(93 - oledDisplay.getStrWidth(buff), pos_weightTotal + 17); oledDisplay.print(buff); oledDisplay.print(F(" g")); // print CG longitudinal axis oledDisplay.drawXBMP(2, pos_CG_length, 18, 18, CGImage); dtostrf(CG_length, 5, 1, buff); oledDisplay.setCursor(93 - oledDisplay.getStrWidth(buff), pos_CG_length + 16); oledDisplay.print(buff); oledDisplay.print(F(" mm")); // print CG transverse axis if (nLoadcells > 2) { oledDisplay.drawXBMP(2, 47, 18, 18, CGtransImage); dtostrf(CG_trans, 5, 1, buff); oledDisplay.setCursor(93 - oledDisplay.getStrWidth(buff), 64); oledDisplay.print(buff); oledDisplay.print(F(" mm")); } } while ( oledDisplay.nextPage() ); // serial connection if (Serial) { if (Serial.available() > 0) { switch (menuPage) { case MENU_HOME: menuPage = Serial.parseInt(); updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_LOADCELLS: nLoadcells = Serial.parseInt(); saveLoadcells(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_DISTANCE_X1: distanceX1 = Serial.parseFloat(); saveDistanceX1(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_DISTANCE_X2: distanceX2 = Serial.parseFloat(); saveDistanceX2(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_DISTANCE_X3: distanceX3 = Serial.parseFloat(); saveDistanceX3(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_REF_WEIGHT: refWeight = Serial.parseFloat(); saveRefWeight(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_REF_CG: refCG = Serial.parseFloat(); saveRefCG(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_AUTO_CALIBRATE: if (Serial.read() == 'J') { auto_calibrate(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; } break; case MENU_LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR: calFactorLoadcell1 = Serial.parseFloat(); saveCalFactor1(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR: calFactorLoadcell2 = Serial.parseFloat(); saveCalFactor2(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR: calFactorLoadcell3 = Serial.parseFloat(); saveCalFactor3(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_RESISTOR_R1: resistorR1 = Serial.parseFloat(); saveResistorR1(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_RESISTOR_R2: resistorR2 = Serial.parseFloat(); saveResistorR2(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_BATTERY_MEASUREMENT: if (Serial.read() == 'J') { enableBatVolt = true; } else { enableBatVolt = false; } saveEnableBatVolt(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_SHOW_ACTUAL: Serial.readString(); menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; case MENU_RESET_DEFAULT: //chr = Serial.read(); if (Serial.read() == 'J') { // reset eeprom for (int i = 0; i < EEPROM_SIZE; i++) { EEPROM.write(i, 0xFF); } Serial.end(); #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU EEPROM.commit(); #endif resetCPU(); } menuPage = 0; updateMenu = true; break; } Serial.readString(); } if (!updateMenu) return; switch (menuPage) { case MENU_HOME: Serial.print(F("\n\n********************************************\nCG scale by M.Lehmann - V")); Serial.print(CGSCALE_VERSION); Serial.print(F("\n\n1 - Set number of load cells (")); Serial.print(nLoadcells); Serial.print(F(")\n2 - Set distance X1 (")); Serial.print(distanceX1); Serial.print(F("mm)\n3 - Set distance X2 (")); Serial.print(distanceX2); Serial.print(F("mm)\n4 - Set distance X3 (")); Serial.print(distanceX3); Serial.print(F("mm)\n5 - Set reference weight (")); Serial.print(refWeight); Serial.print(F("g)\n6 - Set reference CG (")); Serial.print(refCG); Serial.print(F("mm)\n7 - Start autocalibration\n8 - Set calibration factor of load cell 1 (")); Serial.print(calFactorLoadcell1); Serial.print(F(")\n9 - Set calibration factor of load cell 2 (")); Serial.print(calFactorLoadcell2); Serial.print(F(")\n10 - Set calibration factor of load cell 3 (")); Serial.print(calFactorLoadcell3); Serial.print(F(")\n11 - Set value of resistor R1 (")); Serial.print(resistorR1); Serial.print(F("ohm)\n12 - Set value of resistor R2 (")); Serial.print(resistorR2); Serial.print(F("ohm)\n13 - Enable battery voltage measurement (")); if (enableBatVolt) { Serial.print(F("enabled)\n")); } else { Serial.print(F("disabled)\n")); } Serial.print(F("14 - Show actual values\n15 - Reset to factory defaults\n\n")); Serial.print(F("Please choose the menu number:")); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_LOADCELLS: Serial.print(F("\n\nNumber of load cells: ")); Serial.println(nLoadcells); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_DISTANCE_X1: Serial.print(F("\n\nDistance X1: ")); Serial.print(distanceX1); Serial.print(F("mm\n")); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_DISTANCE_X2: Serial.print(F("\n\nDistance X2: ")); Serial.print(distanceX2); Serial.print(F("mm\n")); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_DISTANCE_X3: Serial.print(F("\n\nDistance X3: ")); Serial.print(distanceX3); Serial.print(F("mm\n")); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_REF_WEIGHT: Serial.print(F("\n\nReference weight: ")); Serial.print(refWeight); Serial.print(F("g\n")); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_REF_CG: Serial.print(F("\n\nReference CG: ")); Serial.print(refCG); Serial.print(F("mm\n")); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_AUTO_CALIBRATE: Serial.print(F("\n\nPlease put the reference weight on the scale.\nStart auto calibration (J/N)?\n")); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR: Serial.print(F("\n\nCalibration factor of load cell 1: ")); Serial.println(calFactorLoadcell1); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR: Serial.print(F("\n\nCalibration factor of load cell 2: ")); Serial.println(calFactorLoadcell2); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR: Serial.print(F("\n\nCalibration factor of load cell 3: ")); Serial.println(calFactorLoadcell3); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_RESISTOR_R1: Serial.print(F("\n\nValue of resistor R1: ")); Serial.println(resistorR1); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_RESISTOR_R2: Serial.print(F("\n\nValue of resistor R2: ")); Serial.println(resistorR2); Serial.print(newValueText); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_BATTERY_MEASUREMENT: Serial.print(F("\n\nEnable battery voltage measurement (J/N)?\n")); updateMenu = false; break; case MENU_SHOW_ACTUAL: Serial.print(F("Lc1: ")); Serial.print(weightLoadCell1); Serial.print(F("g Lc2: ")); Serial.print(weightLoadCell2); if (nLoadcells > 2) { Serial.print(F("g Lc3: ")); Serial.print(weightLoadCell3); } Serial.print(F("g Total weight: ")); Serial.print(weightTotal); Serial.print(F("g CG length: ")); Serial.print(CG_length); if (nLoadcells > 2) { Serial.print(F("mm CG trans: ")); Serial.print(CG_trans); Serial.print(F("mm")); } if (enableBatVolt) { Serial.print(F(" Battery:")); Serial.print(batVolt); Serial.print(F("V")); } Serial.println(); break; case MENU_RESET_DEFAULT: Serial.print(F("\n\nReset to factory defaults (J/N)?\n")); updateMenu = false; break; } } else { updateMenu = true; } } #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU server.handleClient(); #endif } #ifdef ARDUINO_ESP8266_NODEMCU void main_page() { char buff[8]; String webPage = ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += "CG scale by M. Lehmann"; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += "

"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; // print weight webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; dtostrf(weightTotal, 5, 1, buff); webPage += buff; webPage += "g
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; // print cg webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; dtostrf(CG_length, 5, 1, buff); webPage += buff; webPage += "mm
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; // print cg trans if (nLoadcells > 2) { //webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; dtostrf(CG_trans, 5, 1, buff); webPage += buff; webPage += "mm
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; } // print battery if (enableBatVolt) { //webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += batVolt; webPage += "V
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; } webPage += "
"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "

(c) 2019 M. Lehmann - Version: "; webPage += CGSCALE_VERSION; webPage += "

"; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; server.send(200, "text/html", webPage); } void settings_page() { if ( server.hasArg("nLoadcells")) { nLoadcells = server.arg("nLoadcells").toFloat(); saveLoadcells(); } if ( server.hasArg("distanceX1")) { distanceX1 = server.arg("distanceX1").toFloat(); saveDistanceX1(); } if ( server.hasArg("distanceX2")) { distanceX2 = server.arg("distanceX2").toFloat(); saveDistanceX2(); } if ( server.hasArg("distanceX3")) { distanceX3 = server.arg("distanceX3").toFloat(); saveDistanceX3(); } if ( server.hasArg("refWeight")) { refWeight = server.arg("refWeight").toFloat(); saveRefWeight(); } if ( server.hasArg("refCG")) { refCG = server.arg("refCG").toFloat(); saveRefCG(); } if ( server.hasArg("calFactorLoadcell1")) { calFactorLoadcell1 = server.arg("calFactorLoadcell1").toFloat(); saveCalFactor1(); } if ( server.hasArg("calFactorLoadcell2")) { calFactorLoadcell2 = server.arg("calFactorLoadcell2").toFloat(); saveCalFactor2(); } if ( server.hasArg("calFactorLoadcell3")) { calFactorLoadcell3 = server.arg("calFactorLoadcell3").toFloat(); saveCalFactor3(); } if ( server.hasArg("resistorR1")) { resistorR1 = server.arg("resistorR1").toFloat(); saveResistorR1(); } if ( server.hasArg("resistorR2")) { resistorR2 = server.arg("resistorR2").toFloat(); saveResistorR2(); } if ( server.hasArg("enableBatVolt")) { if (server.arg("enableBatVolt") == "ON") { enableBatVolt = true; } else { enableBatVolt = false; } } if ( server.hasArg("calibrate")) { auto_calibrate(); } String webPage = ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += "CG scale by M. Lehmann"; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += "

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"; webPage += "
"; webPage += "\"mechanics\""; webPage += "
"; webPage += "

(c) 2019 M. Lehmann - Version: "; webPage += CGSCALE_VERSION; webPage += "

"; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; webPage += ""; server.send(200, "text/html", webPage); } void settingsImg() { File file = SPIFFS.open("/settings.png", "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "text/css"); } void weightImg() { File file = SPIFFS.open("/weight.png", "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "text/css"); } void cgImg() { File file = SPIFFS.open("/cg.png", "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "text/css"); } void cgLRimg() { File file = SPIFFS.open("/cglr.png", "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "text/css"); } void batteryImg() { File file = SPIFFS.open("/battery.png", "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "text/css"); } void mechanicsImg() { File file = SPIFFS.open("/CG_scale_mechanics.png", "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "text/css"); } void bootstrap() { File file = SPIFFS.open("/bootstrap.min.css.gz", "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "text/css"); } void popper() { File file = SPIFFS.open("/popper.min.js.gz", "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "application/javascript"); } void bootstrapmin() { File file = SPIFFS.open("/bootstrap.min.js.gz", "r"); size_t sent = server.streamFile(file, "application/javascript"); } #endif