/* ----------------------------------------------------------- Settings for WIFI KIT 8 (ESP8266) board ----------------------------------------------------------- General settings for the CG scale. Wifi Kit 8 (https://heltec.org/project/wifi-kit-8/) is a ESP8266 based board, with integrated OLED and battery management */ // **** Loadcell hardware settings **** #define NUMBER_LOADCELLS 3 // if set to 2, the parameters of loadcell 3 are ignored #define DISTANCE_X1 30 // mm #define DISTANCE_X2 350 // mm #define DISTANCE_X3 220 // mm #define LOADCELL1_CALIBRATION_FACTOR 900 // user set calibration factor #define LOADCELL2_CALIBRATION_FACTOR 900 // user set calibration factor #define LOADCELL3_CALIBRATION_FACTOR 900 // user set calibration factor /* CG scale with 2 Loadcells: <- ||=== Loadcell 1 ========== Loadcell 2 | | | |---X1---|---------X2----------| CG scale with 3 Loadcells: -- || Loadcell 1 | || || | || || | || || <- X3 || ||================ Loadcell 2 | || || | || || | || || -- || Loadcell 3 | | | |---X1---|---------X2----------| */ #define PIN_LOADCELL1_DOUT D6 #define PIN_LOADCELL1_PD_SCK D7 #define PIN_LOADCELL2_DOUT D3 #define PIN_LOADCELL2_PD_SCK D8 #define PIN_LOADCELL3_DOUT D0 #define PIN_LOADCELL3_PD_SCK D0 // D3 can be used in parallel to the load cell with Wifi Kit 8 #define PIN_TARE_BUTTON D3 // **** Measurement settings **** #define STABILISINGTIME 3000 // ms #define UPDATE_INTERVAL_OLED_MENU 500 // ms #define UPDATE_INTERVAL_LOADCELL 100 // ms #define SMOOTHING_LOADCELL 0.4 // IIR filter: smoothing value from 0.00-1.00 #define MINIMAL_CG_WEIGHT 10 // g if lower, no CG is displayed (0mm) #define MINIMAL_TOTAL_WEIGHT 1 // g if lower, weight = 0 is displayed // **** Calibration settings **** #define REF_WEIGHT 1500 // g #define REF_CG 100 // mm // **** Display settings **** // Wifi Kit 8 has a fixed wired 128x32 display U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_1_HW_I2C oledDisplay(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ 16, /* clock=*/ 5, /* data=*/ 4); // **** Voltage measurement settings **** // analog input pin #define VOLTAGE_PIN A0 // supply voltage #define V_REF 3300 // set supply voltage from 1800 to 5500mV // voltage divider #define RESISTOR_R1 20000 // ohm #define RESISTOR_R2 10000 // ohm /* voltage input | | | | | | R1 | | | analog Pin <------+ | | | | | R2 | | | | GND */ // calculate voltage to percent #define ENABLE_PERCENTLIST true // Battery type #define BAT_TYPE B_VOLT // Battery cells #define BAT_CELLS 2 // **** Wifi settings **** #define MAX_SSID_PW_LENGHT 64 // Station mode: connect to available network #define SSID_STA "myWiFi" #define PASSWORD_STA "" #define TIMEOUT_CONNECT 25000 //ms // Access point mode: create own network #define SSID_AP "CG scale" #define PASSWORD_AP "" const char ip[4] = {1,2,3,4}; // default IP address #define ENABLE_MDNS true // enable mDNS to reach the webpage with hostname.local #define ENABLE_OTA true // enable over the air update // **** https update settings **** #define ENABLE_UPDATE true #define HTTPS_PORT 443 #define HOST "github.com" #define URL "/nightflyer88/CG_scale/releases/latest" // **** Model memory settings **** #define MAX_MODELNAME_LENGHT 32 // max chars #define DEFAULT_NAME "Model" // default model name #define MODEL_FILE "/models.json" // file to store models #define JSONDOC_SIZE 20000 // max file size in bytes // **** virtual weight settings **** #define MAX_VIRTUAL_WEIGHT 10 // **** end of settings **** #warning WIFI KIT 8 settings have been loaded