  • Joined on 2022-06-08
fmueller pushed to main at fablab/visicut-settings 2024-12-17 22:26:10 +01:00
c439cc49ac Add engrave and cut settings for Leder
e3a038897d Tune Balsaholz schneiden settings
58d926d9af Add cut settings for 2.0mm Sperrholz Birke
4466b93a8b Tune Sperrholz Pappel 3.0mm schneiden
3c0a32661e Fix and improve cut and mark settings
Compare 6 commits »
fmueller pushed to main at fablab/visicut-settings 2024-12-17 21:55:00 +01:00
2c80cc0707 Add settings for HDF 3.0mm gravieren grob
0bc32eb9a1 Add settings for Sperrholz Buche 5.0mm
c7da1e3f9d Make HDF 3.0mm schneiden more reliable
cc1a43f39a Add engrave settings for Schiefer
Compare 4 commits »
fmueller pushed to main at fablab/visicut-settings 2024-10-08 01:59:15 +02:00
72b1fa1920 Add extended cut test script
fmueller pushed to main at fablab/visicut-settings 2024-10-08 01:53:45 +02:00
65e74a8815 Make focus test waste less space
fmueller pushed to main at fablab/visicut-settings 2024-10-08 01:31:38 +02:00
e4512627b7 Fix cut test by forcing focus on material surface
09667b86d5 Add Dichtungspapier cut settings for Zing 24
Compare 2 commits »
fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-10-04 00:07:09 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

That would be my assumption, too. At least for Python 3, we can be sure of it. And almost all browsers and terminals use UTF-8, too.

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-10-03 22:10:25 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

So you are saying the LED sign's own encoding is close to CP437? I.e., if I send text to the sign that is in CP437 already, it would display most of it?

What I'm confused about is what is the…

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-10-03 21:38:25 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

That is some odd behavior, but then again, if it works... mDNS is pretty standard with these IoT devices nowadays. For example, WLED also advertises a (user-configurable)…

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-10-03 21:35:55 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

The mapping listed in both the Python and C++ code was deduced from the vendor's software which I blackbox reverse engineered with some USB serial converters. It was a tedious, time consuming…

fmueller created repository fmueller/blinkende-waescheklammer 2024-10-01 21:54:22 +02:00
fmueller pushed to main at fmueller/fablab-bottle-clip-generator 2024-09-25 01:34:34 +02:00
65b9c44579 Support additional logos, starting with THW
88d5455296 Improve logo file name
75c5f024b4 Update bottle clip generator
361b664958 Tidy up static directory
Compare 4 commits »
fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-09-24 19:44:54 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

Will do. I'll also test the USB flashing locally.

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-09-10 21:15:23 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

Looks pretty solid to me. This is such a niche application anyway...

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-09-10 21:14:49 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

Please add a blank line above.

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-09-10 21:14:49 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

I presume with this change, flashing initially with USB is no longer an option? I.e., this needs to be commented? If so, I'd appreciate a short comment. It's been a really long time since I've used ArduinoOTA.

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-09-10 21:14:49 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

Why not restart right away? I mean, sure, it's not quite necessary to do so, but it wouldn't hurt a lot either. Is there some rate limit?

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-09-10 21:14:49 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

A chance to flash it while it's in the back-off? I'd appreciate a comment explaining this line.

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-09-10 21:14:49 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

I'd highly appreciate if you'd avoid the use of inline comments.

fmueller commented on pull request fmueller/esp8266-led-marquee-sign-contr...#1 2024-09-10 21:14:49 +02:00
add MQTT and OTA update support

Would it be sufficient just to target the mDNS hostname that by default should be led-marquee-sign.local?

fmueller pushed to main at fablab/visicut-settings 2024-07-06 00:47:18 +02:00
e5d1903fd1 Add Wäschzwicker settings for upcoming event
010cf7ebfa Add basic Stempelgummi values for Zing
87c9a09638 Add preliminary OMTech Polar 50W config
498e13a0d9 Automatic config update by VisiCut
Compare 4 commits »